Wednesday 2 November 2011


Assalamualaikum...16 pcs cupcakes for Arima San..
Ok dearies, kat bawah ni ada resepinya..I get it from Pls try k..oh ya buttercream recipe tu i dapat masa attend class baking..

Vanilla Cupcake

113 gm butter
130 gm gula castor
3 biji telur A
1 st vanilla
195 gm tepung gandum
1 1/2 st baking powder
60 ml susu segar

Pukul butter & gula sampai kembang, masuk telur sebiji2 & vanilla essence. Then lastly masuk tepung selang seli with milk. Masukkan dlm acuan muffin/cupcakes. Bakar at 180C sampai masak.

Buttercream Recipe

500 gm butter
500 gm marvello/krimwell
500 gm gula aicing diayak
1 st vanilla

Pukul butter & krimwell hingga sebati masukkan gula icing sedikit2 & vanilla. U can put any flavor u like and its ready to use. Kalau u rasa this recipe banyak for your cupcakes, then half it ok.

Di kesempatan ini, dengan rendah diri mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha..Maaf Zahir Batin again..hihihi..Maaf ada order kene tolak sbb tomorrow I kene g KL..arghhhbalik mesti jln jem kan sbb org semua nk balik kg..aiyooo..

Monday 31 October 2011

Continental Cake

I know I know Im not very good in taking photo. Thats becos I got no DSLR nikon or sony. eh siap brand gitu. Anyhow, gambar-gambar di bawah diambil menggunakan hp murah i ni gambar tk lawa tk bermakna tk sedap..semua kek di bawah ni sedap2 tipu tau.tipu berdosa mati seksa..:P

German Black Forest Cake

Snowy Peach Custard Cake

Russian Black & White Cake

Above continental cakes are version of me. Wish to order. Pls call or SMS me. Syg u olls.

Everything is a Rainbow! :D

Rainbow calms the crying soul..Mcm nak bg rainbow pada sesiapa yang sedang bersedih hati supaya jgn sedih lg ya..:(

Rainbow ada 7 warna but my rainbow cake version ada 6 warna je..hihiih..

my rainbow!

with italian buttercream..

this is 8" rainbow cake, with italian buttercream filling & topping.
simple design for birthday. RM90

I also made this cake for my nephew's birthday. Happy birthday syg..semoga menjadi anak yg soleh dan berbakti kepada ibu dan ayah ocay?

Thursday 21 July 2011

Life has too many choices...! Our kek lapis collection

As salam..

Sometimes, I believe as a woman, if we can choose of cos nak jadi wanita yg kaya... kan kan kan? No need go to work, just goyang kaki, dpt duit, g shopping oversea and bla bla bla..hmm.. tp tk blh lg..slagi ada kederat slagi itula kene bekerja mencari rezeki utk jadi kaya, kalau tak utk kita, utk anak cucu kita..hihihi

Anyhow fren, hidup hanya enjoy selagi boleh..

And me, here..nak tunjuk our kek lapis for this coming raya..

Kek Lapis Rempah

Roll Tapak Kuda

Blueberry Cheese Tart

Roll Lapis Rempah

Kek Lapis Prune

Kek Lapis Cadbury

Roll Lapis Moscovic

Roll Lapis Rempah, Roll Lapis Moscovis & Roll Lapis Cadbury

Untuk harga, pls contact me at 0127155318 or email at

Tq and see ya..:D

Friday 15 July 2011

Wordless Friday - Kek Lapis Cadbury

Good nite all. I bake this awesome kek lapis as sample for those yang berminat untuk beli my kek lapis collection this year....myself tk berapa pandai took picture but i hope u can try this superb recipe...bake it wokey :o)

Bahan-bahannya :
23 biji kuning telur
5 biji putih telur
500 gm butter (i used anchor salted)
5 tbsp susu pekat (i used teapot brand)
130 gm tepung gandum
250 gm gula castor
1 tbsp ovallete
1 tsp esen vanilla (i used vanilla bean - which i bought from Bali ;P)
Chocolate cadbury (+/- 80 pcs)
Pewarna makanan (i used red cherry & lemon yellow)
Acuan (8'x8'x3')

Cara-caranya :
1. Pukul butter + susu sehingga lembut - asingkan
2. Masukkan gula kastor + kuning telur + putih telur + ovalette dlm mixer, putar kelajuan maxima sehingga gebu. Masukkan vanilla
3. Bila gebu, turunkan kelajuan ke minima, masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit
4. Masukkan pula butter. Putar sebentar sahaja
5. Berhentikan mixer & pukul rata adunan menggunakan spatula
6. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian & warnakan ikut suka
7. Lapis kan adunan berselang-seli. Lapisan merah - susunkan cadbury

Its perfect. The taste, the texture...and of cos the cadbury. melt in your mouth..

Thursday 14 July 2011

Happy Thursday!

I got my newborn nephew today.. so happy ;)

mancung hidung...isnt he adorable? semoga iman menjadi anak yang soleh dan menyenangkan ibu dan ayah ok? ;)

A little bit of everything!

I miss you so much..hmmm i mean baking..hihihih with pleasure of cos..masa berjalan dengan pantas so I think that I cannot wait anymore..

Oh ya, i oredi rewarded myself dengan membeli cik merah ini..yeahhhh kitchenaid KSM150 empire red you! murah aje..I buy it at singapore. Luv singapore so much but not cik kastam..hihihih & tq so much dear fren, fad, megat & ary sudi teman i..LUV U OLLS!

sexy rite? hmm after a few drama & stress at the office...i need something to cheer me up. :)